Update: 15.07.2022

A Java chemical drawing software

Features | Screenshots | Tutorials | Download | How to cite

The Java desktop application cDraw is an interactive chemical drawing software for generation of publication-quality figures. The user interface has been designed with a clear focus on intuitive and convenient handling. The drawings generated in cDraw can be exported in a variety of image formats or copied through the clipboard. The main file format used to store cDraw drawings builds on CDML, an XML-based format developed for BKChem; however, cDraw also has basic import/export capability for CDXML, CML and SDF file formats.




If the following videos do not play in your browser, you can download them by using a right-button mouse click and select Save Link As ....

Tutorial 1: Basic drawing operations
Tutorial 2.1: Drawing bonds (1)
Tutorial 2.2: Drawing bonds (2)
Tutorial 2.3: Editing atoms
Tutorial 2.4: Arc arrows, brackets and charges


How to cite
When using this program, please cite:
Hofmann, A., Coster, M.J., Taylor, P. (2019) Disseminating a free, practical Java tool to interactively generate and edit 2D chemical structures. J. Chem. Educ. 96, 1262-1267.
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