Drug Discovery, Metabolism & Delivery (SCE3142), 2008 |
Lecture 22.09.2008 | Basic Principles of Molecular Modelling |
| Downloads: Handout (large), Handout (small) |
Lecture 24.09.2008 | Molecular Modelling: Basic Applications |
| Downloads: Slides |
Structural Chemistry Computing, 2008 |
Session 01, 10.01.2008 | Protein Ligand Docking |
Session 02, 17.01.2008 | Protein Ligand Docking |
Session 03, 24.01.2008 | Basic Principles of Molecular Modelling |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 04, 07.02.2008 | Protein Ligand Docking |
Session 05, 27.03.2008 | UNIX shell commands |
Session 06, 03.04.2008 | Molecular Visualisation with PyMOL |
Session 07, 10.04.2008 | Manipulation of structured data with awk |
Session 08, 08.05.2008 | Practical calculations |
Session 09, 15.05.2008 | Stoichiometric calculations |
Session 10, 23.05.2008 | Molecular graphics with O |
Session 11, 29.05.2008 | Molecular graphics with Coot |
Session 12, 03.06.2008 | Diffraction data processing with Mosflm |
Session 13, 05.06.2008 | Analysis of amino acid sequence alignment with JalView |
Session 14, 12.06.2008 | Diffraction data reduction with Scala |
Session 15, 26.06.2008 | Crystallographic refinement with CNS |
Session 16, 03.07.2008 | Molecular replacement with AMoRe |
Session 17, 10.07.2008 | Molecular replacement with AMoRe |
Session 18, 17.07.2008 | Word processing with OpenOffice |
Session 19, 07.08.2008 | Word processing with OpenOffice |
Session 20, 14.08.2008 | Reference management with Bibus |
Session 21, 04.09.2008 | Introduction to UNIX commands |
Session 22, 11.09.2008 | UNIX commands |
Session 23, 19.09.2008 | Manipulation of structured data with awk |
Session 24, 26.09.2008 | Homology modelling with Modeller |
Session 25, 09.10.2008 | Crystallographic calculations |
Session 26, 23.10.2008 | The EMBOSS suite |
Session 27, 30.10.2008 | Homology modelling with Modeller |
Session 28, 06.11.2008 | Molecular graphics using Sirius |
Structural Chemistry Methods, 2008 |
Session 01, 28.03.2008 | Crystallography I: Introduction to Symmetry |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 02, 11.04.2008 | Crystallography II: Translational Symmetry Elements,
Coordinate Systems, and Symmetry Calculations |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 03, 22.04.2008 | Crystallography III: Point Groups (Crystal Classes), Bravais Lattice, and Space Groups |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 04, 09.05.2008 | Crystallography IV: X-rays, Diffraction, Bragg92s Law, and the Reciprocal Lattice |
Session 05, 16.05.2008 | Biochemical buffers |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 06, 30.05.2008 | Protein Architecture I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 07, 06.06.2008 | Protein Architecture II |
Session 08, 13.06.2008 | Protein Architecture III |
Session 09, 20.06.2008 | Crystallography Quiz |
Session 10, 20.06.2008 | Centrifugation |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 11, 27.06.2008 | Crystallography V: Ewald Sphere, Structure Factor Equation |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 12, 04.07.2008 | Crystallography VI: Intensities of Reflections, Electron Density |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 13, 17.07.2008 | Crystallographic data processing |
Session 14, 24.07.2008 | Crystallographic data processing |
Session 15, 08.08.2008 | Fluorescence spectroscopy I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 16, 15.08.2008 | Fluorescence spectroscopy II |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 17, 21.08.2008 | Studies on Annexin Structure-Function Relationships |
Session 18, 29.08.2008 | Crystallographic Symmetry |
| Downloads: Slides |
Session 19, 05.09.2008 | Crystallographic Symmetry |
Session 20, 12.09.2008 | Symmetry Elements and Coordinate Systems |
Session 21, 18.09.2008 | Symmetry Elements and Coordinate Systems |
Session 22, 26.09.2008 | Coordinate Systems and Crystal Classes |
Session 23, 03.10.2008 | Crystal Systems, Coordinate Systems |
Session 24, 10.10.2008 | Bravais Lattices |
Session 25, 24.10.2008 | Space group determination |
Session 26, 31.10.2008 | Reflection Intensities |
Session 27, 04.11.2008 | Space group determination |
Session 28, 05.11.2008 | Crystal symmetry |