Teaching 2012
Update: 15.08.2017

MSc Bioinformatics (7307BPS), 2012
03.05.2012Comparative modelling: preparation
Downloads: Handout
10.05.2012Comparative modelling: model generation and analysis
19.04.2012Molecular graphics with PyMOL
Downloads: Handout, PyMOL Tutorial
Further reading, original literature and tutorials:
Protein Data Bank
UCSF Chimera
Uppsala Ramachandran Server
26.04.2012Working with PDB files
Downloads: Handout
31.05.2012Comparative modelling with MODELLER
MSc Bioinformatics (7307BPS), 2012
02.05.2012Protein structure
Downloads: Handout
04.04.2012Covalent structures and conformations
Downloads: Schedule, Handout
05.04.2012Computing basics
Downloads: Handout
09.05.2012Basics of molecular modelling
Downloads: Handout
18.04.2012Polypeptide structure
Downloads: Handout
Spectroscopic and Molecular Analysis (2102BPS), 2012
Part B.01, 17.09.2012Interaction of light with matter
Downloads: Slides
Part B.02, 19.09.2012Rotavibrational spectroscopy I
Downloads: Slides
Part B.03, 03.10.2012Rotavibrational spectroscopy II
Downloads: Slides
Part B.04, 03.10.2012UV/Vis spectroscopy I
Downloads: Slides
Part B.05, 08.10.2012UV/Vis spectroscopy II
Downloads: Slides
Part B.06, 10.10.2012Fluorescence spectroscopy I
Downloads: Slides
Part B.07, 10.10.2012Fluorescence spectroscopy II
Downloads: Slides
Part B.08, 15.10.2012Fluorescence spectroscopy III
Downloads: Slides
Part B.09, 17.10.2012CD spectroscopy I
Downloads: Slides
Part B.10, 22.10.2012CD spectroscopy II
Downloads: Slides
Part B.11, 24.10.2012Atomic spectroscopy
Downloads: Slides
Structural Chemistry Computing, 2012
Session 01, 27.01.2012Poster design and generation
Session 02, 03.02.2012Interactive molecular graphics with O and Coot
Session 03, 16.02.2012Interactive molecular graphics with O and Coot
Session 04, 23.02.2012Interactive molecular graphics with O
Session 05, 08.03.2012Calculation of electron density maps
Session 06, 15.03.2012Diffraction data indexing with Mosflm and XDS
Downloads: MOSFLM help and guidance, Wolfgang Kabsch's XDS web site
Session 07, 26.03.2012Diffraction data processing with Mosflm
Session 08, 27.03.2012Space group determination in trigonal/hexagonal systems
Session 09, 31.05.2012Computing basics
Downloads: Handout
Session 10, 08.06.2012Electron density interpretation, refinement strategies
Session 11, 21.06.2012Working with PDB files I
Downloads: Handout
Session 12, 22.06.2012Working with PDB files II
Downloads: Handout
Session 13, 28.06.2012SEC analysis with SDAR
Downloads: Handout
Session 14, 17.08.2012Computing basics
Downloads: Handout
Session 15, 24.08.2012Basics of Linux computing
Session 16, 31.08.2012Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM
Further reading, original literature and tutorials:
MOSFLM help and guidance
Session 17, 12.09.2012Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM and Scala
Further reading, original literature and tutorials:
MOSFLM and Scala - A quick tutorial
Session 18, 14.09.2012Molecular replacement with Phenix/Phaser
Session 19, 28.09.2012Interactive molecular graphics with O
Session 20, 09.10.2012Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM and Scala
Session 21, 10.10.2012Molecular replacement with Phenix/Phaser
Session 22, 15.11.2012Worked examples of applied biophysics
Structural Chemistry Methods, 2012
Session 01, 24.01.2012Crystal soaking techniques
Session 02, 13.02.2012Crystal soaking techniques
Session 03, 15.02.2012Practical chromatography techniques for protein purification
Session 03, 17.02.2012Basics of crystallography I: Symmetry
Downloads: Handout
Session 04, 22.02.2012Practical chromatography techniques for protein purification
Downloads: Handout
Session 05, 24.02.2012Basics of crystallography II: Translational symmetry elements, Coordinate systems
Downloads: Handout
Session 06, 12.03.2012Basics of Crystallography III: Point groups, holohedries and space groups
Downloads: Handout
Session 07, 16.03.2012Basics of crystallography IV: X-rays, Bragg's law and reciprocal lattice
Session 08, 16.04.2012Basics of Crystallography V: Ewald Sphere, Structure Factor Equation
Session 09, 25.05.2012Protein Architecture I: Covalent structures and conformations
Downloads: Handout
Session 10, 01.06.2012Protein Architecture II: Polypeptide structure
Downloads: Handout
Session 11, 13.06.2012Scientific rigour: experiment analysis
Downloads: Handout
Session 12, 14.06.2012Protein Architecture III: Protein structure
Downloads: Handout
Session 13, 22.08.2012Basics of Crystallography I: Symmetry
Downloads: Handout
Session 14, 29.08.2012Basics of Crystallography II: Translational symmetry elements, Coordinate systems
Downloads: Handout
Session 15, 05.09.2012pH buffering
Downloads: Handout
Session 16, 11.09.2012Biochemical pH buffers, amino acids
Downloads: Handout
Session 17, 13.09.2012Basics of crystallography III: Point groups and crystal classes
Downloads: Handout
Session 18, 20.09.2012Basics of crystallography III cont: Crystal classes and space groups
Session 19, 25.09.2012Basics of crystallography IV: X-rays, Bragg's law and reciprocal lattice
Downloads: Handout
Session 20, 04.10.2012Basics of Crystallography V: Ewald Sphere, Structure Factor Equation
Downloads: Handout
Session 21, 12.10.2012Basics of Crystallography VI: Diffraction intensities, electron density
Downloads: Handout
Session 22, 19.10.2012Crystallographic exercises: Space group determination from diffraction patterns
Downloads: Handout