MSc Bioinformatics (7307BPS), 2012 |
03.05.2012 | Comparative modelling: preparation |
| Downloads: Handout |
10.05.2012 | Comparative modelling: model generation and analysis |
19.04.2012 | Molecular graphics with PyMOL |
| Downloads: Handout, PyMOL Tutorial |
| Further reading, original literature and tutorials: |
| Protein Data Bank |
| PyMOL |
| Sirius |
| UCSF Chimera |
| Uppsala Ramachandran Server |
26.04.2012 | Working with PDB files |
| Downloads: Handout |
31.05.2012 | Comparative modelling with MODELLER |
MSc Bioinformatics (7307BPS), 2012 |
02.05.2012 | Protein structure |
| Downloads: Handout |
04.04.2012 | Covalent structures and conformations |
| Downloads: Schedule, Handout |
05.04.2012 | Computing basics |
| Downloads: Handout |
09.05.2012 | Basics of molecular modelling |
| Downloads: Handout |
18.04.2012 | Polypeptide structure |
| Downloads: Handout |
Spectroscopic and Molecular Analysis (2102BPS), 2012 |
Part B.01, 17.09.2012 | Interaction of light with matter |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.02, 19.09.2012 | Rotavibrational spectroscopy I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.03, 03.10.2012 | Rotavibrational spectroscopy II |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.04, 03.10.2012 | UV/Vis spectroscopy I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.05, 08.10.2012 | UV/Vis spectroscopy II |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.06, 10.10.2012 | Fluorescence spectroscopy I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.07, 10.10.2012 | Fluorescence spectroscopy II |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.08, 15.10.2012 | Fluorescence spectroscopy III |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.09, 17.10.2012 | CD spectroscopy I |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.10, 22.10.2012 | CD spectroscopy II |
| Downloads: Slides |
Part B.11, 24.10.2012 | Atomic spectroscopy |
| Downloads: Slides |
Structural Chemistry Computing, 2012 |
Session 01, 27.01.2012 | Poster design and generation |
Session 02, 03.02.2012 | Interactive molecular graphics with O and Coot |
Session 03, 16.02.2012 | Interactive molecular graphics with O and Coot |
Session 04, 23.02.2012 | Interactive molecular graphics with O |
Session 05, 08.03.2012 | Calculation of electron density maps |
Session 06, 15.03.2012 | Diffraction data indexing with Mosflm and XDS |
| Downloads: MOSFLM help and guidance, Wolfgang Kabsch's XDS web site |
Session 07, 26.03.2012 | Diffraction data processing with Mosflm |
Session 08, 27.03.2012 | Space group determination in trigonal/hexagonal systems |
Session 09, 31.05.2012 | Computing basics |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 10, 08.06.2012 | Electron density interpretation, refinement strategies |
Session 11, 21.06.2012 | Working with PDB files I |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 12, 22.06.2012 | Working with PDB files II |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 13, 28.06.2012 | SEC analysis with SDAR |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 14, 17.08.2012 | Computing basics |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 15, 24.08.2012 | Basics of Linux computing |
Session 16, 31.08.2012 | Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM |
| Further reading, original literature and tutorials: |
| MOSFLM help and guidance |
Session 17, 12.09.2012 | Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM and Scala |
| Further reading, original literature and tutorials: |
| MOSFLM and Scala - A quick tutorial |
Session 18, 14.09.2012 | Molecular replacement with Phenix/Phaser |
Session 19, 28.09.2012 | Interactive molecular graphics with O |
Session 20, 09.10.2012 | Diffraction data processing with MOSFLM and Scala |
Session 21, 10.10.2012 | Molecular replacement with Phenix/Phaser |
Session 22, 15.11.2012 | Worked examples of applied biophysics |
Structural Chemistry Methods, 2012 |
Session 01, 24.01.2012 | Crystal soaking techniques |
Session 02, 13.02.2012 | Crystal soaking techniques |
Session 03, 15.02.2012 | Practical chromatography techniques for protein purification |
Session 03, 17.02.2012 | Basics of crystallography I: Symmetry |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 04, 22.02.2012 | Practical chromatography techniques for protein purification |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 05, 24.02.2012 | Basics of crystallography II: Translational symmetry elements, Coordinate systems |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 06, 12.03.2012 | Basics of Crystallography III: Point groups, holohedries and space groups |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 07, 16.03.2012 | Basics of crystallography IV: X-rays, Bragg's law and reciprocal lattice |
Session 08, 16.04.2012 | Basics of Crystallography V: Ewald Sphere, Structure Factor Equation |
Session 09, 25.05.2012 | Protein Architecture I: Covalent structures and conformations |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 10, 01.06.2012 | Protein Architecture II: Polypeptide structure |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 11, 13.06.2012 | Scientific rigour: experiment analysis |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 12, 14.06.2012 | Protein Architecture III: Protein structure |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 13, 22.08.2012 | Basics of Crystallography I: Symmetry |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 14, 29.08.2012 | Basics of Crystallography II: Translational symmetry elements, Coordinate systems |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 15, 05.09.2012 | pH buffering |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 16, 11.09.2012 | Biochemical pH buffers, amino acids |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 17, 13.09.2012 | Basics of crystallography III: Point groups and crystal classes |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 18, 20.09.2012 | Basics of crystallography III cont: Crystal classes and space groups |
Session 19, 25.09.2012 | Basics of crystallography IV: X-rays, Bragg's law and reciprocal lattice |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 20, 04.10.2012 | Basics of Crystallography V: Ewald Sphere, Structure Factor Equation |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 21, 12.10.2012 | Basics of Crystallography VI: Diffraction intensities, electron density |
| Downloads: Handout |
Session 22, 19.10.2012 | Crystallographic exercises: Space group determination from diffraction patterns |
| Downloads: Handout |